
2014 EVENTS:
Holly Bourne, Non Pratt and James Dawson - 30th October
Becca Fitzpatrick - 15th November

Monday, 2 March 2015

10 Questions... With Rhian Ivory

Monday, 2 March 2015
This week we asked Rhian Ivory to answer our 10 Questions. Here are her answers:

1. Describe your new book in 3 adjectives.

Witchy, weird and weblike.

2. What were the challenges of writing this novel?

Getting it right. I've written more drafts of this novel than any of the others. It the first novel where I've got a character in the present and a character in the past. I've no idea why I decided to write something so complicated.

3. Which new up and coming authors do you like?

Eve Ainsworth (SEVEN DAYS), Clare Furniss (THE YEAR OF THE RAT), Steven Camden (TAPE), Anna McKerrow (CROW MOON), Kat Ellis (BLACKFIN SKY), Gary Meehan (TRUE FIRE), Lisa Glass (BLUE). I could go on...

4. Who is your favourite character in your book?

Argh! That's like asking me to pick my favourite child. Ok...if you're going to force me I'd have to say Beth because she is the first person to try and help Noah and make a difference in his life. She sees him as a person rather than a freak.

5. Do you have any weird writing habits?

Oh yep, loads. I'm not telling you any of them though...apart from my obsession with red fizzy laces. I have to eat those when I edit otherwise it all goes horribly wrong.

6. We've had vampires, witches and demon hunters – what do you think will be the next YA trend?

I think we're going to see a big swing back to historical over the next year or two. Also there's already a big focus on mental heath, sexuality and books based in the real world.

7. If your novel were to be adapted would you prefer movie or TV seriers? Do you have a dream cast?

After listening to a screenwriter talk about the benefits of the small screen recently I think I'd have to say TV. He talked about getting up close and personal with TV because it is more intimate and I really liked that. 

Dream cast - I've only got as far as 1 character with this because I know if I start this I'll lose days on google images and so I'd pick the very talented Helena Bonham Carter to play my evil villainess, Emilia.

8. Why do you think YA fiction is so important?

Because everything happens all at once when you are a teenager. You're changing physically as well as mentally, you've got hugely important exams, people are asking you what you want to do for a job when you are older (how on earth are you supposed to know this?), you've just fallen in or out of love with someone and you've probably got a massive spot on your face the size of a small country so you need books to keep you sane.

I also think as a teenager growing up in the UK it is vital that you can also read about another teen growing up in the UK.

I remember how excited I got if I read about a character who was from somewhere I'd been or recognised. When you are a teenager you need to be able to read about yourself and the places that are familiar to you, this is why diversity in YA is so important.

9. What can you tell us about your next project?

Yes! My next book is another YA (thank you Arts Council for funding the writing of it I love you forever) is called 'Always, Hope' and it is about stalking, sexuality and singing.

10. Recommend your novel in one sentence:

Two boys, one village, the same curse. Can the future be redrawn or is history set to repeat itself?
If you like witches, water and want to know more about the workhouse keep an eye out for The Boy who drew the Future.


The Boy who drew the Future coming Sept 2015 from Firefly Press -

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